Pape Clément 1989 mercredi, 15 mars 2006

With some friends, all born in the same year, we have created a club.

We meet once every two months, and the one who invites the others is always different.

We meet in Automobile Club of France where I am member.

Aperitif by the bar with a Moët & Chandon NV which has certainly more than 10 years. So the champagne has got signs of age, is a little smoked, and it is loveable.

I thought it would not be possible for the second bottle to be as good, but, to my surprise, it was as good. These champagnes, when they get a little age, are purely lovely.

I am not a big fan of Moët, except on vintage cuvées. But with age, it is largely better. It makes sense to store such champagnes for 10 years.


Then on a very ordinary cook (in school, I would give a note : "could do better"), we had three bottles of Pape Clément 1989.


Due to the cellar of the club (on Place de la Concorde) the wines get probably more age than in a normal cellar.

– the first was very balanced

– the second had a pronounced wood, rather charming, which pleased me

– the third had a little too alcohol in front of the scene;


But the three bottles had a common characteristic :

The wine is good. Really good. Very obvious personality, and what pleased me, did not try to show. Very balanced and not playing with its muscles.


I do not know how behaves Pape Clément now, under the leadership of Mr. Magrez, but this way of making the 1989 pleased me a lot.

A very pleasant wine.

I hope it is today in the same direction as this very charming, balanced, elegant Pape Clément 1989.

dinner by Ledoyen with a nice « Y » 1985 mardi, 14 mars 2006

I had been charmed recently by the cook of Christian Le Squer in Ledoyen, so I was afraid that a new try would be less emotional. My wife suggested that we invite friends for a dinner and I reserved there. As I write a bulletin which was sent to the director of the restaurant, I arrived before the others, welcomed as if I were Richard Gere entering a boarding school for young girls. If I arrived earlier, it is because my wife does not like that I spend time reading the wine list. I ordered the wines, and they arrived.

We begin with a champagne Gosset 1999. It is a champagne which has a very expressive taste. We had it with the “amuse bouche” made of four different pieces of a very clever and sophisticated cook, but I had an idea. I asked that each of us we receive an oyster. And the combination is magical. Since I have discovered this combination, I try to get it as often as I can.

We had an incredible menu. I write it in French :

Oursins de roche en coque à l’avocat, soufflé de corail rafraîchi

Grosses langoustines bretonnes croustillantes, émulsion d’agrumes à l’huile d’olive

blanc de turbot de ligne juste braisé, pommes rattes écrasée à la fourchette et montées au beurre de truffe

anguille fumée sur toasts brûlés à la lie de vin

carré de chevreuil, réduction d’une poivrade relevée de griottes


croquant de pamplemousse cuit et cru au citron vert

soufflé passion à l’ananas épicé, sorbet litchi

chocolat noir en fines feuilles croustillantes au lait de pistache glacé.

We had the urchin (delicious and airy) with “Y” d’Yquem 1985. I had this wine the last time I came, and as I adore this wine, I ordered it. And I did well. This wine is incredible. Such a personality, such a charm is incredible. But what is even better, it changes its personality by every combination with food. Kaleidoscopic, this wine amazed me by every sip. I adore this wine above many others due to its semi sweet discrete attitude behind the dry wine. And 20 years advantage this wine.

I had ordered a few hours before a Clos de Vougeot domaine Méo Camuzet 1998. This Clos de Vougeot has been the first wine that I had drunk of the Domaine, which made me adore the domaine. Since that, Jean Nicolas Méo became a friend. Of course, 1998 is young, but with air the wine broadened. And if it was not appropriate with the eel, it was fantastic with the roe-deer. A very pleasant wine, but it is not so good to drink it so young. It has many qualities and represents a nice form of the present Burgundies.

The cook of Christain Le Squer was fabulous, and the fact that I was pleased as the first time represents a very good point.

He cooks very naturally. It is extremely well built and realised, but it is mature, with no need to show.

Perfect on every course, I appreciate a lot. And I recommend the place.

But for my eyes, the star of the night (after my wife of course) is the “Y” d’Yquem 1985.

Visit to Chateau Margaux samedi, 11 mars 2006

After the dinner by Yquem, I went to meet Paul Pontallier in Chateau Margaux.
We tasted the Margaux 2004 : the nose is of spice, leather and the powder for make-up. In mouth, I find it in a closed phase.
The Margaux 2003 is a contrary. It has the greatest possible feminin charm. Absolutely sexy.
Having read the book "the Perfume" by Patrick Süskind on the impossible search for the perfect perfume, what I think immediately is that the nose of this Margaux 2003 is the one of the skin of a beloved woman. In mouth, the sensuality of Margaux explodes. I am not able to predict what it will be in 20 years. But for me, today, it is a pure devil buying your soul.

To drink a Pavillon blanc de Chateau Margaux 2005 looks like trying to discover the beauty of a Muslim woman wearing a burka. Lots of aromas, which is classical for well made white wines. But what to say ? More fruity than the Smith Haut Lafitte white 2005. Not more to say.

We arrive by ‘le lion d’or’, a restaurant that I did not know but that I recommand : the meat has a quality which is incredible. The chef is a nice man, easy, talkative. A pleasure.

I had brought for Paul to share with him a Riesling Zind Humbrecht 1983. We had it on "charcuterie", and it was absolutely impressive. Citrus fruit, artichoke, prunes, and a way of filling the mouth which has a lot of charm. A truly great wine.
On the lamb of Pauillac, we drank Margaux 1989 and Margaux 1990 from halves bottled originally in due time. So, no samples, original filling.
Paul wanted to check with me how we judge the two wines.
For me, it was not necessary to analyse or to describe why : the 1989 is enjoyable, full of joy, showing its best aspects, and the 1990 is reserved, discrete. So, no possible hesitation, the 1989 is clearly the best.
And, more than that, it is a great wine.

Then, if one wants to analyse, one can think.
It is possible to say that the 1990 has a great future. It is possible to say, as Paul said, that this half of 1990 was not at its best.
But one thing is true, and the only important thing is that we were there at this specific moment, without hesitation the 1989 is a glorious wine, and the 1990 will be an immense wine in 20 years.

We left half of the bottle of the Riesling to the chef who will enjoy it tonight.

dîner de wine-dinners au Chateau d’Yquem jeudi, 9 mars 2006

I arrive before 4 pm in the castle of Yquem. For the last two days the bottles were standing on a table in the circular room of one of the towers. A photograph will take pictures of the whole event.

Christiane prepares the table, and 12 glasses are strictly arranged in front of every seat. Nice white flowers are presented in every possible place. All is nice. The whole place smells wax as every room had been cleaned and waxed. I ask that every window would be opened to rub this awful smell.

I open the bottles, and Sandrine Garbay, whose husband had an operation in a clinic, was not there, but Valerie Lailheugue looked with a great attention to my operations. Every smell is very classical. The smell of the Carbonnieux 1928 is so generous that I decide to close it with a neutral cork. The Corton 1929 is a little disturbing but will be cured by the air. The Chateau Chalon 1955 instead of having a smell of nuts has a smell of truffle. We will see.

Now my emotion is at its maximum. I will open the Yquem 1861. Here is what is included in the book of Yquem written in 1986 by Richard Olney : “Yquem 1861 : totally incredible wine. One of the great wine experience of a lifetime… a nectar that should see the next century in fine shape. Dark brown colour, amber gold tones. Rich, intriguing nose. Rich, deep, liqueur-like texture… Very long finish. Perfect balance. Exquisite (The Underground Wineletter, 1983). Twice tasted by A. de Lur Saluces who was both times astounded by its vitality, depth and complexity. Picking began 24 September.”

The castle has still one 1861, but which was recorked. My bottle is original, and Sandrine Garbay, responsible of the cellar and of the wine making, had already confirmed that it is an original cork and confirmed again when she came later. So, for me, to open a liquid which had stayed in the same bottle for 145 years minus 3 of barrels is incredibly serious.

I put away a capsule of golden colour but which has some black stains. I try to clean the top of the bottle, and some pieces of glass fall. I separate some tiny pieces of glass. Why does the glass break so easily ? And I begin to panic. I ask for a hair dryer to put away any piece of glass, the wine being protected by the cork still inside. And I begin to pull the cork. It breaks as a flower which would lose its petals. I use a special corkscrew which allows me to feel what happens, and I succeed in pulling every piece outside the bottle with nothing falling in the wine.

I smell. And “wow”. Imagine the actor who listens that he has received the Oscar  award for the best actor. This smell gave the same message to me. Perfect.

The colour had made me fear that it would be caramelised. It was not! Less that the Yquem 1950 that I had four days ago. Fantastic. If Valerie had not been there, I would have danced alone in the room. I drank a sip and shared a drop with Valerie. Once again fantastic. I was so happy. As if my heavy weight had become a feather weight. Wow. The rest of the day would be relaxed. And in our mouth, the taste of the Yquem never ended.

Sandrine Garbay arrived, and I had kept the empty glass. The perfume that came from the glass had the real perfection of Yquem. I had such a joy. Sandrine seeing my excitement took a Yquem 1957 that was recently opened, and gave me one glass. A pure Yquem with no extravaganza, whose length was shortened by a few days of opening. But a delight. And I was happy.

I talked with the people who would serve the wines, I arranged every bottle for a proper temperature and position, and when I was sure that everything would be proper, I went to take a shower in a room of the castle. Under my shower, it was as if I were the king of the universe.

I wait for the guests in the office of Pierre Lurton, who is always between two trips, chatting with him.

The guests arrive, and we visit the chais, and we taste the Yquem 2001. This Yquem is immense. It is the definition of the perfection of Yquem. What a personality. It has already changed since the last time I drank it. The taste of grapes has evolved towards darker grapes. I love this wine.

We go to the castle. We are nine. Four couples and myself. We drink a Dom Pérignon 1985 which was designed to clear the mouth from the invading persistent charm of Yquem 2001. It is served with some cakes that I could not negotiate to avoid. These cakes shorten this elegant champagne which is a champagne of fight : it requires a complicated food to fight with it for the pleasure of our palate. Obviously a great champagne.

We go to our table nicely dressed in an emotional room. The menu of the chef Marc Demund is : Œuf Poché au Corail d’Oursins / Noix de st Jacques sur Effilures d’Echalotes Confites / Homard Rôti aux Truffes / Esturgeon et Poireaux Bordelaise / Mignon de Veau à la Fleur de Lavande / Foie Gras de Canard Poêlé aux Amandes / Comté / Pavé de Mangue et Agrumes / Mignardises.

I had talked a lot with Marc to make these choices.

We begin with Laville Haut-Brion 1976. Already golden colour, intense nose, this wine exposes what I announce concerning the world of old wines. Magnificently balanced, the wine is enlarged by the urchin.

The Chateau Carbonnieux white 1948 is an enigma. I had checked that it is an original bottling (this can be done by looking, under the capsule, the sediment), and it amazes everyone that the wine is incredibly young. The yellow colour is almost as green as for a young wine, the smell is of an infant, and the taste is brilliant because then we see that age has integrated every aspect. With the scallop, a classical combination.

The lobster will welcome two wines : Pavie 1971 and Carbonnieux red 1928. My palate is used to such old wines which appear as heavy as Port wines. This Carbonnieux is truly heavy like lead, having an unbelievable concentration. I love a lot. My guests less. The length is incredible. If they do not try so much the Carbonnieux, it is because the Pavie is to adore. I will not raise any controversy, but I adore this Pavie, elegant and expressive, for my taste largely above any recent version of the same wine. And with the Audouze method, the two wines shine at their best. The combination with a lobster a little too cooked is a delight. The heavy truffled sauce taken with the Carbonnieux which smells truffles is a unique moment. Probably the best match for me.

The smell of the Chambolle Musigny Bouchard Père & Fils 1967 is, after the great old Yquem the smell of the evening. Emotional, seducing. I love it. And in mouth with the sturgeon, it is fantastic. This wine is absolutely performing above its category. And the Echézeaux Domaine de la Romanée Conti 1991 is magnificent too, even if more accessible for everyone due to its age. I have loved it. I was a little afraid of a possible repulsion of the bordelaise sauce with the wines. It was a success, and it is my coquetry to have put a bordelaise sauce with two Burgundies in Chateau d’Yquem.

The veal was delicious and the Corton« cuvée B » Brossault 1929 whose smell was unpleasant had gently become to the state I expected. A delicious Corton of the greatest year for Burgundies. Light colour with some pink. Smell rather short. And a fill in mouth of warm welcome, complex taste, pleasure. I have drunk better 1929, but this one was nice too.

I had asked that the foie gras would come at the end, as it was made in the 19th century. The Krug 1988 was not the proper match with it. A gently light sweet wine would have been more logical.

A delicious Comté not too old as I had asked made shine a Chateau Chalon Jean Bourdy 1955 which was rather light for a “vin jaune”, which was particularly good, as a stronger wine would have disturbed some of my guests, specially the women.

Not knowing that the 1861 would be so good, I had planned that we would finish with the Yquem 1961 to keep a nice taste in mouth. But as it was so great, we would finish naturally with the older.

Yquem 1961 is a great Yquem. It is the gift of Pierre Lurton for this dinner, with the intention to see what a century of distance will make. Directly in the historical line of Yquem, with a great power, a balanced structure, a very deep trace in mouth made by fruits like peaches, apricots. Great, and historically designed. If I want to be indelicate, I would say that it is the first time in this historical room that I have tasted such a perfect match of a dessert with a Yquem. I know that it is naughty from me.

We were expecting the star : Yquem 1861. The nose is spicy, prunes, intense, and curiously, with no default. In the glass the colour is very brown, but when the wine is moved, the gold shines more. In mouth it is religious. The definition of the structure is so precise, delicate. It evokes candied prunes, or prunes burnt by the sun, or marmalade of prunes. The citrus fruit aspects are very discrete but exist to make it more charming, and the caramel, torrified aspects, are discrete too. You can think of coffee, tea, but the main image is prunes. And what is impressive is the incredible length.

Normally in the castle some alcohols like Paradise Hennessy are served. Everyone did not touch any, just to keep the perfection of this rare Yquem in mouth.

The atmosphere was not to make people vote. But I give my ranking : Yquem 1861, Chambolle Musigny Bouchard 1967, Carbonnieux blanc 1948 and Château Pavie 1971. The Yquem 1961 would be highly ranked in another dinner, but tonight it is in the shadow of the 1861.

I could say that for a collector as I am, to present my wines in a dinner by Château d’Yquem represents what could make me think : now, I can die in peace. Many events to come should give me the motivation to continue these adventures.

dîner de wine-dinners au Chateau d’Yquem jeudi, 9 mars 2006

  1. Champagne Dom Pérignon 1985
  2. Château Laville Haut-Brion blanc 1976
  3. Château Carbonnieux blanc 1948
    j’aimerais conserver toutes ces capsules aux couleurs d’une rare beauté

  4. Château Pavie 1971
  5. Château Carbonnieux 1928
  6. Chambolle Musigny Bouchard 1967
  7. Echézeaux Domaine de la Romanée Conti 1991
  8. Corton « cuvée B » Brossault 1929
  9. Champagne Krug 1988
  10. Château Chalon Jean Bourdy 1955
  11. Chateau d’Yquem 1961
  12. Chateau d’Yquem 1861

le menu composé par Marc Demund :

Œuf Poché au Corail d’Oursins

Noix de st Jacques sur Effilures d’Echalotes Confites

Homard Rôti aux Truffes

Esturgeon et Poireaux Bordelaise

Mignon de Veau à la Fleur de Lavande

Foie Gras de Canard Poêlé aux Amandes


Pavé de Mangue et Agrumes


vins du dîner à Yquem jeudi, 9 mars 2006

Les vins sont ici dans l’ordre de service. La 11ème, un Yquem 1938 ne sera pas ouverte ainsis que la douzième, demie-bouteille d’Yquem 1893 (année mythique). Elles étaient là pour pallier une faiblesse de la 1861 (que l’on voit 13ème de cette rangée). Il n’en fut pas besoin.

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Yquem 1861 day minus 1 jeudi, 9 mars 2006

Life has to be lived as an irrational theatre. This morning I receive a call : two people who were registered for the dinner cancel their registration. To find someone the day before is not so easy.

I immediately think of all the people to whom I said no, who had shown an interest for this dinner, and I think that it is a great waste. It is unfair.

As I had heard that Carole Lurton, the wife of Pierre, had been “jealous” of him, because he would drink a 1861, I immediately reacted by inviting her, and she accepted.

So one seat is missing, and it will not be easy to find someone.

As I had exchanged emails with a contributor to this forum, who is a journalist in Strasbourg, Panos, and as I knew that he was in the region, I met him for lunch in the restaurant of “Les Caudalies”, the property of the family Cathiard (Smith Haut Lafitte). I announced that I was there and Daniel Cathiard went to say hello to me. He said that due to a disease which hurts the migrating birds he had decided to take away the swans which were on the charming ponds in the lovely garden of Les Caudalies. He told me that the swans, being hidden in a closed room, are sad and do not eat anything. The “principle of precaution” which exists will kill more than the disease (for the moment).

At the table, many journalists from British and other horizons came from a visit in Haut-Bailly, and by Chateau Brown, whose owner was with us. He is a new owner as he bought the castle in 2004, and we drank the Brown 1998 made before his buy. Not much to say.

We tasted the Smith Haut Lafitte (SML) cabernet franc 2005, the SML merlot 2005 and the white SML sauvignon. I loved the cabernet, very round and showing that the work of making the wine has been well done. Impossible to judge the sauvignon as I am not expert on foetus wines.

We tried to find in a blind tasting a wine which was brought to us. A very elegant nose but a strict mouth did not allow me to find that it was Smith Haut Lafitte red 1998. I would expect this wine to be at a higher level than what I drank.

Now I am going to Mouton-Rothschild. I cannot clear my mind, being so upset that people cancelled one day before.

At my age, I should know that things never happen as was programmed.

I arrive at Mouton, and even if it is difficult to imagine, I have never been there. As I already said, I have never visited places where I was not known, as I do not want to disturb them.

My fault ! Because the museum of Mouton is something unbelievable, and the cellar of Philippine, if I had seen it before, would have pushed me to create a cellar at a higher scale than what I have !

We tasted the 2005, for which I made a separate subject.

We went, with Philippe Dhalluin, in the restaurant of Cordeilhan Bages, whose chef is Thierry Marx.

The food is extremely creative, very precise, and every plate is a piece of art. But it is a little too intellectual for me. I like precision and the cook is very precise, but I do not like too much when sophistication is a goal and not a mean.

And what annoys me the most in the excessive breaks that we should have within our talks because a waiter comes to announce a new butter, a new bread, a new course, a new sauce, a new vegetable. I got bored with all those pompous speeches, disturbing a lot our pleasure.

Obviously a wonderful place, a highly creative cook. But please, stop talking !!!

On that a Calon-Ségur 1986 which was very interesting. Seducing on one moment and strict the other moment, this wine does not like to be characterised. Not extremely long but pleasant in mouth, it left me in a mixed mood.

We had with Philippe Dhalluin a very interesting talk about wine in an historical perspective. A nice dinner.

I have drunk Mouton 2005 ! jeudi, 9 mars 2006

I am probably the first in the world, outside the staff of Mouton, to have drunk Mouton 2005.

If I am not the first, I am the second, but who cares.

And it is a paradox that I, someone who loves old wines, drink such a baby.

I tasted la Fleur Milon 2005 : smell of blackberry and pepper. Very stiff in mouth.

d’Armaillac 2005 has a softer nose and is largely more round in mouth. Very fruity of course.

Clerc Milon 2005 has an incredible elegance. I loved this wine.

The Petit Mouton de Mouton Rohschild is more powerful but has not the elegance of Clerc Milon.

Then I put my lips on Mouton 2005, tasted on March 8, 2006.

What strikes me is that there is no default. Everything appears very balanced.

And then I thought : let me just imagine that I drink this wine, not knowing it is Mouton : would I love it as I love it, knowing it is Mouton ?

And the evidence came when I went back to Clerc Milon.

This wine that I had loved did not shine any more when compared to the Mouton.

This Mouton is certainly a great juice.


Now, how to judge ?

Show me a baby of six months, and ask me : what will be this baby when he will be 18 years old, and what will he be when he will be 35 years old.


On that question, probably experts have the answer. I have not. I can only say that this wine is made with modern techniques : the grapes are very mature. The juice is elegant, balanced and could be drunk in a dinner.


For the future : see experts.


Note : during the dinner that I had by Cordeilhan Bages with Philippe Dhalluin we talked about history. According to the notes kept in their files, the Mouton 1928 was undrinkable for many years. So, it was undrinkable on March 8, 1929.

What would you say on a Mouton 2005 which is drinkable on March 8, 2006 ???????


Experts will tell.

L’examen des bouchons avec Sandrine Garbay jeudi, 9 mars 2006

Je viens d’ouvrir toutes les bouteilles du dîner de ce soir à Yquem.

Sandrine, maître de chais d’Yquem tient en main le bouchon du Yquem 1861 et confirme l’examen que nous avons fait : cette bouteille a un bouchon d’origine.

Ceci veut dire que pendant 145 ans, jamais un gramme d’air n’est venu altérer le précieux liquide.

On voit sous mon bras les outils que j’utilise pour extirper les bouchons difficiles.